Sustainability at Daróg

Our sustainability programme is woven into every aspect of our offerings, reflecting our deep commitment to environmental responsibility. Our full list of suppliers can be found here.

In October 2023, we were awarded ‘Best Sustainable Wine List’ by Star Wine List. One of the awards judges, Veronique Rivest, said of Daróg: “This venue has put sustainability at the heart of everything they do from the start. A local driven menu and drinks list, a wine list focusing on organic, biodynamic and natural producers, a selective waste disposal system, elimination of single use products and plastics, and if not possible, then use of recycled items. Plus ongoing staff training on the subject. It is clear sustainability is not a fad here, but a clear commitment,”

From farm to table, our dedication to utilising locally-sourced meat and vegetables shines through in every bite, delivering a dining experience that's not only delectable but also deeply rooted in the vibrant landscapes of our region.

We have a particular focus on showcasing wines from small Artisan producers who adhere to organic, biodynamic, and sustainable methods. This not only ensures the highest quality but also supports practices that are gentle on the earth. While the majority of our wines originate from Europe, a conscious choice to reduce our carbon footprint, we're taking it a step further by introducing wines on tap to minimise both carbon emissions and packaging waste.

Every beer featured on our menu is meticulously sourced from the West of Ireland, a testament to our commitment to local producers. Additionally, we proudly serve Land & Labour beer, a brew crafted just 8 kilometres away in Galway. Our cider hails from Co. Meath, the nearest region ideally suited for cider production and located about 1.5 hours from our wine bar. The bottled water we offer comes from the West of Ireland as well. Even our soft drinks have a local touch, originating from Co. Tipperary, approximately a 1.5-hour drive from our establishment.

Our commitment to sustainability extends to our glassware, which is collected by a local recycling company and responsibly processed in Ireland. Within our wine bar, waste is thoughtfully sorted into distinct categories—paper, recycling, compost, and general waste—to minimise our environmental footprint. Our staff is extensively trained to understand the significance of adhering to the correct waste disposal system. Our menus are printed on recycled paper derived from post-consumer waste, created with residual grape materials and powered entirely by 100% green energy sources.

In our endeavour to reduce waste, we strictly limit the use of disposables, reserving them only for essential purposes. Notably, we've eliminated the use of coasters, straws, and other single-use plastics, reinforcing our commitment to a more sustainable future.

By adhering to these principles, we aim to provide an experience that not only tantalises taste buds but also aligns with our values of supporting local producers, reducing waste, and treading lightly on the planet.